Organic matter, why is it important, what benefits does it bring to the soil? In this podcast we discuss organic matter, from what it is, to the benefits that can be gained from improving the quantity in your soil. With Zack Reilly from Scottish Agronomy and Wull Dryburgh from SEPA the podcast discusses the technical break down of soil to the interaction with land managers who have spent years dedicated to improving their soil.
The conversation then turns to soil organic carbon and what that actually means, and what land managers need to know.
Supporting materials
Valuing your soils
PEPFAA Code: Soils
Farm Advisory Service: Soils
Scotland’s soils
James Hutton Institute: Soils maps
Related resources

Magic Margins – helping maintain soil on farm
In this podcast we chat to David Boldrin from JHI about how magic margins can be used to help reduce diffuse pollution on farm and help maintain soil on farm.

Reduce, reuse, recycle: clean and dirty water on farm
In this podcast Jackie McColm and Robert Ramsay discuss managing water on farm. Looking at ways and methods farmers can reduce clean water entering slurry storage tanks, therefore, increasing capacity and leading to cost savings.

Environmental and animal welfare considerations of dealing with sheep scab
This podcast focuses on how farmers can manage sheep scab. In particular discussing what farmers need to be aware of and the rules and regulations that need to be followed when managing sheep dip from animal welfare, to environmental regulation. Photo credit: ©Neil Fell