- Wheelings and tramlines can progressively become compacted and this damage increases runoff and erosion, particularly for fields with steep slopes. Tramlines are a major diffuse pollution pathway.
- Controlled traffic farming (CTF) systems reduce soil damage, can increase yield and save fuel and time.
- Timing and limiting machinery operations to when soils are drier and structurally stronger is an easy low cost tramline management option.
- Increasing the distance between tramlines or choosing spring cropping instead of winter cropping are effective tramline management options and future soil and business benefits will outweigh the costs of implementation.
- Very flexible low pressure tyres can be used to reduce compaction, increase tyre life and fuel efficiency.
- Tramline disruption can easily be done as part of another operation(e.g. the last autumn spraying operations).
- Different tramline disrupters are being designed and tested to reduce runoff and erosion.
Related resources
Introduction to the Papa Pump
An Introduction to the Papa Pump - find out more on the FAS Water Resource Management pages.
Cogarth Alternative Watering Meeting
Alternative watering meeting in Dumfries looking at the capabilities of the papa pump and solar pumps